The Association seeks to represent the interests of asbestos removal contractors and associated businesses. We provide guidance, asbestos training and support on all legislative requirements for all our members.

What membership offers
Come and be part of the most respected Asbestos leaders in New Zealand, delivering excellence to the industry.
The next 12 months goals include:
- Develop a robust framework for the improvement of the asbestos industry in NZ
- Deliver improved A & B class qualifications
- Better represent industries needs with legislators
As the New Zealand’s premier association for asbestos industry stakeholders, ARCA helps steer the industry and is recognised as driving excellence. By supporting high standards ARCA delivers reassurance for clients.
We offer members a range of benefits and in return ARCA requires member companies to demonstrate the highest standards and maintain these throughout their business at all times.
Training & Qualifications
Access to an extensive range of training courses and qualifications at reduced costs. ARCA provides comprehensive and quality assured routes to qualifications providing all the steps along the career path.
Expert specialist advice and guidance on applying regulations and legislative requirements.
ARCA represents members via a number of industry groups, committees and government bodies.
Categories of membership
The following Membership categories will be available at launch.
Full Member (Contractors)
Full membership of the Association – able to participate in framework development and vote on direction of the association.
Open to:
Asbestos Removal companies
Full Member (Consultants)
Full membership of the Association’s Licensed Assessor division – able to participate in framework development and vote on direction of the association.
Open to:
Licensed Assessors, Surveyors, analysts or laboratories.
Including public service organisations, NGOs, corporates, large clients and other industry associations.
For organisations that are associated with the asbestos industry and want to support the endeavours of the association. These may be equipment or material suppliers, or similar.
Individual (associate and full)
Professionals within the asbestos industry.
Associate membership is available for individuals embarking on their ARCA journey and have yet to formally achieve ARCA qualifications or assessments.
Full individual membership will be available to ARCA qualified and assessed members, as well as individuals with qualifications and demonstrated track records.